I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.
– Steven Wright
Today started out with good intentions… and you know where that leads. I sat down after breakfast, an eye on completing at least one task for NIHILISTIC – tweaking images and layout for the new newsletter and website, writing about a particular Mike memory, mapping out the story. Instead, I trudged out in a lightning storm to clear a downspout clog, getting drenched in the process
Then I needed a shower. We have a wedding Saturday and post-shower was my best chance to try on my recently-altered seersucker suit. Lunch followed. I got back into feeling my way around Substack and grew quickly frustrated with the learning curve (balls!). It was soon time to get to the basement, lay on the couch and call the shrink. The fifty minutes went per usual, me confessing how I feel an utter fraud, failure, fuck-up, etc. I also bitched about how upkeep on the house again derailed my intent and the need to “put a fence around this.” The shrink suggested I schedule time for NIHILISTIC, as if it’s a job, make it clear anything else can wait. But a clogged downspout can’t wait despite my putting that fucker off two days. The skies open and suddenly Lake Whatthefuck forms atop your pantry roof. It’s pushing up on six PM here and soon a hellish day of frustrations and dead ends will end with little more than a new email banner and a few other NIHILISTIC images. No writing except for what you’re reading now.*
See You Next Tuesday? Perhaps…
The fate of See You Next Tue! is uncertain. I hope to get one out tomorrow. Then it’ll be a field left fallow. NIHILISTIC will take precedence for the duration and SYNT may return one day.
Never say fucking never.
Chris T.
*This is going out on a Monday, obviously, but the regular publication day for NIHILISTIC will probably be Friday.